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Hailing from Richmond, Virginia, Fat Spirit has devoted roughly seven years to their music. The four piece band currently consists of Ian Mcquary (guitar), John Graham (guitar & vocals), Matty Seabass (bass), and Robert Lindstedt (drums). Though the members may not have always remained the same throughout the years, one thing has— their ability to create some tasty music.

Within the nine track journey of Nihilist Blues, Fat Spirit demolishes the notion of any one genre molding the menagerie of sounds featured on this record. Crafted with chaotic instances of alluring intensity and psychedelic mellower moments, the entirety of the work is oozing with an overlying coat of nostalgic grunge.

It does not disappoint.

John Graham had this to say about Nihilist Blues, "The songs on the album lyrically are influenced by my relationships with friends / loved ones, growing up, death, tripping, the hopelessness of existence, blah blah… I came up with the title Nihilist Blues because I think a lot of the songs come from trying to reconcile that existence is meaningless and chaotic and at the same time wrought with meaning and purpose.”

In addition to Nihilist Blues' release today via Citrus City Records, Fat Spirit has also released an accompanying music video for their song “Easter” directed by J.D. Burrow.

Graham says that the video is inspired by classic horror, "The song is about how events in your past and greater human history have set us on a path that seems largely out of our control and there is an overall sense of doom. In a lot of that older horror you see someone ignoring all these signs that foreshadow something terrible and you the viewer say, 'Don't go into the woods, what the fuck?!’ I see a parallel there."

Citrus City Records is currently offering ultra rare gold tapes of Nihilist Blues with a limited poster for first come, first serve pre-orders, which you can now scoop here.

Check out more from Fat Spirit here.

Check out more from Citrus City Records here.

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