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This is Pointless is a punk-emo band based in Boston, with their newest EP drop And we ain’t even drunk yet.

The first song on their EP is “Red Ring”, a chill song with raw vocals and exciting riffs, a good road map for the rest of the EP. If you’re a lover of games like me, you’ll know the song is an homage to video games, with the title referencing the ‘red ring of death’ commonly occurring in Xbox 360s. An upbeat riff starts off the song as the lead singer laments of his friends leaving him with only his video games to occupy him. Several references to various video games such as “Resident Evil 4” and “Super Mario Bros” are made in the song. To end the song, screaming harmonies pierced my ear drums, but in that “holy fuck I need to play this song again” type of way.

The next three songs in the EP are a bit different than “Red Ring”. While “Red Ring” is somewhat of a humorous song, “So that’s what they do in college”, “Leaving Mass”, and the final song “Incase I forget” are somber songs filled with lyrics of nostalgia, regret, and pain. They follow similar music patterns with each consisting of a guitar riff and simple drum beats to accompany the raw vocals. While I typically am not a fan of screaming raw vocals, I found these vocals to bring the lyrics to life and breathe more nuance to their EP overall. I especially loved the last song on the EP, “Incase I forget”. Slowing down their tempo and isolating the lead singer’s vocals apart from the music, hooked me. Towards the end of “Incase I forget” a backtrack of two people having an argument is played, I don’t know the reasoning behind this decision, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. To end the song, and the EP, a sick guitar riff backed by drums closes us out.

While their name is “This is Pointless”, after listening to their newest EP, I can say, they are anything but.

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